Sailing The Ionian

We’ve just got back from a couple of weeks Sailing the Greek Islands. It’s hard to return to what has been, let’s face it, a lacklustre Summer so far. On the bright side: since I’ve been back I’ve finished the two large canvases I was working on in the Norton Conyers studio (more about them soon) and I’ve been looking through the watercolours I made whilst away. I’m not a big fan of painting watercolour ‘landscapes’ as such but I do enjoy making using the medium to record people met, events etc, a kind of visual diary if you like, the lady below for instance was fishing from the rocks behind our boat where we were moored in Monganissi. She was using five lines (no rod) and caught several fish. Later she had a pee behind a rock and on leaving gave us a beaming smile and a toot toot from her scooter.